Loïc Poulain d'Andecy
Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Reims
       U.F.R. Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
       Moulin de la Housse - BP 1039
       51687 REIMS cedex 2 FRANCE
Position: Maître de Conférences, Université de Reims Champagne Ardenne
Research team:
Groupes et Quantification, Laboratoire de Mathématiques de Reims (LMR), CNRS, FRE 2011
Research keywords: Representation Theory; Mathematical Physics; Knots and links; Lie Algebras and Quantum Groups; Hecke Algebras; Braid Group; Integrable systems; Yang-Baxter Equation; Orthogonal Polynomials
Curriculum Vitae : here
ANR Project Young Researcher 2019 - 2023
Agence Nationale de la Recherche, JCJC Project ANR-18-CE40-0001
Title: "Applications of Hecke Algebras: Representations, Knots and Physics"
Acronym: AHA
Coordinator: Loïc Poulain d'Andecy
International Research project (IRP) 2021 - 2026
jointly supported by INSMI & INP,
Title: "Approches Algébriques de la Physique Théorique"
Acronym: AAPT
Coordinator: Nicolas Crampé
Webpage: see
- 16th - 21st July 2023: Final conference of the ANR project AHA,
"Hecke algebras and applications", Spetses.
- February 27th - 3rd March 2023: Winter school of the ANR project AHA,
"Applications of Hecke and related algebras: Representations, Integrability and Physics", Les Houches.
- 23th May - 10th June 2022: Non-commutative algebras, representation theory and special functions , in the thematic semester Symmetries: Algebras and Physics Montreal.
- 4th - 7th March 2019: Winter Braids IX , Reims.
- 14 - 15 février 2019 : Réunion de lancement du projet ANR
AHA , Reims.
- 21st - 22nd June 2018 :
Journées de Combinatoire Algébrique , Champinatoire II , Reims.
- 2nd - 3rd June 2016 :
Journées du GDR TLAG , Théorie de Lie Algébrique et Géométrique , Reims.
HDR thesis
Centralisers and Hecke algebras in Representation Theory, with applications to Knots and Physics
- (with A. Lacabanne)
Framization of Schur-Weyl duality and Yokonuma-Hecke type algebras, preprint arXiv:2312.14796
- (with N. Crampé, J. Gaboriaud and L. Vinet)
Matrix elements of SO(3) in sl_3 representations as bispectral multivariate functions,
Journal of Mathematical Physics 64 (2023), no. 11, Paper No. 111702, 16pp.
- (with M. Zaimi)
Fused Hecke algebra and one-boundary algebras,
to appear in Pacific Journal of Mathematics arXiv:2306.10937
- (with Q. Labriet)
Identities for Rankin-Cohen brackets, Racah coefficients and associativity,
to appear in Letters in Mathematical Physics arXiv:2304.10803
- (with Q. Labriet)
Realisations of Racah algebras using Jacobi operators and convolution identities,
Advances in Applied Mathematics 153 (2024), Paper No. 102620, 31pp.
- (with N. Crampé, L. Frappat and E. Ragoucy)
The higher-rank Askey--Wilson algebra and its braid group automorphisms,
SIGMA Symmetry Integrability and Geometry. Methods and Applications 19 (2023) Paper No. 077, 36pp.
- (with P.-A. Bernard, N. Crampé, L. Vinet and M. Zaimi)
Bivariate P-polynomial association schemes,
to appear in Algebraic Combinatorics arXiv:2212.10824
- (with N. Crampé, L. Vinet and M. Zaimi)
Askey-Wilson braid algebra and centralizer of U_q(sl_2),
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré 24 (2023), no. 6, 1897-1922.
- (with P.-A. Bernard, N. Crampé, R. Nepomechie, G. Parez and L. Vinet)
Entanglement of inhomogeneous free fermions on hyperplane lattices,
Nuclear Physics B 984 (2022) Paper No.115975, 28pp.
Fusion for the Yang-Baxter equation and the braid group,
Winter Braids Lecture Notes Vol. 7 (2020), Course III, p. 1-49.
- (with N. Crampé and L. Vinet)
The missing label of su_3 and its symmetry,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 400 (2023), no. 1, 179-213.
- (with N. Crampé, J. Gaboriaud and L. Vinet)
Racah algebras, the centralizer Z_n(sl_2) and its Hilbert-Poincaré series,
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré 23 (2022), no. 7, 2657-2682.
- (with N. Crampé, L. Frappat, J. Gaboriaud, E. Ragoucy and L. Vinet)
The Askey-Wilson algebra and its avatars,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 54 (2021) no. 6, 063001 (32pp).
- (with N. Crampé and L. Vinet)
A Calabi-Yau algebra with E6 symmetry and the Clebsch-Gordan series of sl(3),
Journal of Lie Theory 31 (2021), no. 4, 1085-1112.
- (with N. Crampé)
Baxterisation of the fused Hecke algebra and R-matrices with gl(N)-symmetry,
Letters in Mathematical Physics 111 (2021), no. 4, Paper No. 92, 21 pp.
- (with N. Crampé)
Fused braids and centralisers of tensor representations of Uq(glN),
Algebras and Representation Theory 26 (2023), no. 3, 901-955
- (with N. Crampé and L. Vinet)
Temperley-Lieb, Brauer and Racah algebras and other centralizers of su(2),
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373 (2020),
no. 7, 4907-4932.
- (with S. Rostam)
Morita equivalences for cyclotomic Hecke algebras of type B and D,
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 149 (2021), no. 1, 179-233.
- (with R. Walker)
Affine Hecke algebras of type D and generalisations of quiver Hecke algebras,
Journal of Algebra 552 (2020), 1-37.
- (with R. Walker)
Affine Hecke algebras and generalisations of quiver Hecke algebras for type B,
Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 63(2) (2020) 531-578.
- (with A.-L. Thiel and E. Wagner)
Inductive basis on Birman-Murakami-Wenzl algebras and (transverse) Markov traces,
preprint .
- (with N. Jacon)
Clifford theory for Yokonuma--Hecke algebras and deformation of complex reflection groups,
Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2) 96 (2017), no. 3, 501-523.
- (with E. Wagner)
The HOMFLYPT polynomials of sublinks and the Yokonuma-Hecke algebras,
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section A 148 (2018), no. 6, 1269-1278.
Young tableaux and representations of Hecke algebras of type ADE,
Journal of Combinatorial Algebra 1 (2017), 371-423.
Invariants for links from classical and affine Yokonuma--Hecke algebras,
"Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications",
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 219 (2017) 77-95.
- (with N. Jacon)
An isomorphism theorem for Yokonuma--Hecke algebras and applications to link invariants,
Mathematische Zeitschrift 283 (2016), no. 1, 301-338.
- (with M. Chlouveraki)
Markov traces on cyclotomic and affine Yokonuma--Hecke algebras,
International Mathematics Research Notices (2016), no.14, 4167–4228.
- (with O. Ogievetsky)
Induced representations and traces for chains of affine and cyclotomic Hecke algebras,
Journal of Geometry and Physics 87 (2015), 354-372.
Fusion formulas and fusion procedure for the Yang--Baxter equation,
Algebras and Representation Theory 20 (2017), no. 6, 1379-1414.
- (with M. Chlouveraki)
Representation theory of the Yokonuma--Hecke algebra,
Advances in Mathematics 259 (2014), no. 10, 134-172.
Fusion procedure for wreath products of finite groups by the symmetric group,
Algebras and Representation Theory 17 (2014), no. 3, 809-830.
- (with O. Ogievetsky)
Fusion procedure for cyclotomic Hecke algebras,
SIGMA Symmetry Integrability and Geometry. Methods and Applications 10 (2014), 039, 13 pages.
- (with O. Ogievetsky)
Alternating subalgebras of Hecke algebras and alternating subgroups of braid groups,
Communications in Algebra 42 (2014), no. 5, 1921-1936.
- (with O. Ogievetsky)
Jucys--Murphy elements and representations of cyclotomic Hecke algebras,
- (with O. Ogievetsky)
On representations of complex reflection groups G(m,1,n),
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 174 (2013), no. 1, 95-108.
- (with O. Ogievetsky)
Alternating subgroups of Coxeter groups and their spinor extensions,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 217 (2013), no. 11, 2198-2211.
- (with O. Ogievetsky)
Fusion procedure for Coxeter groups of type B and complex reflection groups G(m,1,n),
Proceedings of the AMS 142 (2014), no. 9, 2929-2941.
- (with O. Ogievetsky)
On representations of cyclotomic Hecke algebras,
Modern Physics Letters A 26 (2011), no. 11, 795-803.